The Basics

This play is for SFPC members of all skill levels. You do not have to commit to play every time, but it is not a drop-in style of play and you must sign up to play each week. 

Our hierarchy play type of a ladder and is designed to have an organized way to have players matched mostly with others of similar skill levels, while still mixing things up so you don’t always play with the same people. Your ranking on the hierarchy is based mainly upon your winning percentage (essentially, the ratio of points won to total points possible). This format of play is suitable for all skill levels, but the spirit of play may be a bit more “competitive” as players vie to move up the hierarchy. Play is still intended to be fun and conducted with good-sportsmanship and appropriate pickleball etiquette.

The system may sound complicated, but the bottom line is that you just have to sign up, show up, play on your assigned court and write down your scores. The Club will take care of the rest!

The details of how this will run is laid out in the attached PDF.